August 24, 2008

Bananas, Chocolate and Mason

We've had fruit in the house more often lately, which I love. Bananas have been showing their faces around here quite often as well...which is weird because usually the texture of them makes me gag a little bit, but I've been doing good.

That being said, they seem to go bad so easily! Does that happen to any of you and if so, can you prolong their vibrant yellowness in any particular way?

I had about 4 of them that were a little aged and I wasn't going to try to eat. So placed them in a brown paper bag and set them aside to make banana bread (note...we did not have any vanilla in the house).

I decided that I was in the baking mood last night at about 11:00pm. I opted to make banana muffins rather than bread. They are SO GOOD!

I think I need to get one of those glass cake holders to put stuff in. They make it all look so much better and you can leave it sitting our for decoration.

And then, I MUST tell you about this awesome discovery I found. T. Marzetti's Chocolate Fruit Dip (they make that caramel apple dip)! It is to die for! I bought some yummy ripe strawberries and dipped them right on in. Uh, it is amazing! And even better than making your own chocolate covered strawberries because you don't have to wait for them to dry! You should really try it!
And then Mason just wanted to say hello to you all! :-)

We're do absolutely NOTHING today! I can't wait! I only have 4 days left with my honey. He'll be traveling to California with his band! I hope he does well out there and makes it big so that I don't have to work anymore! ha! It'll be kinda quiet and lonely around here, but I'll find things to make do... Keep him in your prayers next weekend.


Anonymous said...

Ben and Chris LOVE banana bread. Keep this little tip in mind...if you're not in the mood to bake and you have over ripe bananas, put them in the freeze. When you want to bake bring them out and thaw them....
Add mini chocolate chips to banana bread or muffins...all us women love chocolate...!!!

Your favoite Zizi!!!!

Loved the pics of Ava. She's so pretty and I love her hair straightened!