August 29, 2008

A bittersweet kind of weekend

Doesn't she, I mean he (ha!) look so darn cute?! I doubled up my necklace and put it on Mason. He doesn't really care, don't worry! Doesn't he look so adorable?! :-)

I'm all by my lonesome this weekend. Ryan is gone, I took him to the airport last night. I was fine until I got home and realized that I'd be alone, all by myself, quiet, no one making any mess or noise (this isn't a knock, babe!...but it's true, without mess it's just so lonely and empty). The second time I realized I was all alone was when I woke up this morning all by myself. I'll be missing him! I'm sure I'll be pretty occupied this weekend though, I have Ava to keep me company after all!


Anonymous said...

Wait till you've been married a few WANT them to go away...!!

Take lots of pics with Ava this weekend!!!

Love ya!