This is going to be kind of a random post and now that I look at the pictures I have, well they don't look all too pretty or anything...
I have begun to order wedding 'stuff' and it is all starting to be delivered. I needed a space to put this stuff without it laying around on the ground and getting all dusty, so I borrowed my brother and sister in law's card table and set up camp in our 'office' aka spare bedroom! Here is an oh so hot shot of it all! Yep, this is where all the action takes place! ha!

But I came up with this clear and blue one because it was a little bit cheaper and then this cute little cloth bin that I can reuse after the wedding too!

And GUESS WHAT?!?! Our wedding invitations are here! I am so excited! It was so fun and exciting to look through everything!
I thought I'd share!
Oh wow! I had that birdcage on my list of things to get too. We think WAY too much alike! Don't worry..I'm scratching it off my list. I'm so excited for you!! Please send me a picture of the invitations! Yay!
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