Did I mention we got A LOT of gifts at our shower?!
Well. We did.
I have put off putting them away, but decided to finish tonight. Phew, thank gawd that's over! Being the neat/clean freak that I am, it is suprising that I even waited a couple of days! It feels good to have it all sorted out. Only now our 'office' is full of clutter.
Have I mentioned I hate clutter?
Well. I do.
We can't wait to use all of the new things!!!

Have I mentioned I LOVE black?

Also...since we got a new couch. We aren't allowing the animals to get up on it. When I sit over there, Mason always wants to come up.
He can't!
So...he lays with his daddy!
He fell asleep all over Ryan's legs the other night. Luckily, I had the camera on the table. He was sound asleep just draped over R's legs. It was too funny.
I must have bothered him though because I got the look above. Woke him up right in the middle of his deep sleep. How dare me?!
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