June 27, 2008
A pretty giveaway
labels - bags, bellas likes, giveaways, monogrammed stuff
June 26, 2008
House guest
We have had the pleasure of having a little houseguest this week. Tonight will be our last night with her...
Which is kind of bittersweet. I have not had a night of full, uninterupted sleep in the past 3 nights. I said to Ryan, what am I going to do when we have our own baby and I have to wake up in the middle of the night?! Hopefully we have one of those really good babies that sleeps for like 12 hours over night.
I'm sure just because I said that, I'm going to get cursed with a child that wakes up 100 times per night!
Oh well...it's been fun and I'm sure we'll miss her once she's gone. Ava...our little niecey
labels - bedtime, sleepover, the niecey
June 23, 2008
Stuck in a dinner rut
We are as you can see...stuck in a dinner rut. It's horrible! We can't seem to come up with anything out of the norm and if we do, it takes too long or one of use doesn't like it.
It's really bad...we have the same thing every week. I don't know what to do!
Any suggestions? We're all about quick and easy meals...considering I don't get off of work until 7:00pm. Please feel free to leave me comments!
June 22, 2008
Home trimming
I 'attempted' to groom Mason at home today. Attempted being the word at hand. I put him in the bathtub because I know that, in there, he will be semi-still and not run away.
The bathtub has an effect on dogs...well on Mason at least.
We need to take him to the groomer, desperately. With how hot it's been here lately, the thick hair that he has just kills him. He goes on a short walk and he's panting forever.
I kind of like it though, because a short walk tuckers him out!
The cut worked out okay though. I trimmed his face and ears and cut his hair on the top part of his body a little bit shorter. His legs are so hairy though!
You can't see all too much from the pics, but he's cute so that's a bonus?!

New spectacles
My new glasses are finally in! While I still love my old ones, I like the new ones too. They are both pretty much the same prescription, so I can still wear the older ones if I wish. My old ones have more 'flair' to them and my newer ones are more 'realistic' I guess...who really cares though!
One thing that I did learn at the eye doctor is that I am supposed to be wearing them while driving at night time. Didn't know that! ha! I am nearsighted in my right eye...no wonder I have horrible depth perception when I drive at night!
labels - glasses, new things
Safe travels
labels - group workcamp, traveling, youth group
Babies on the brain

Isn't it so cute?!
labels - family, great times, parties, showers
June 20, 2008
Pancake Puffs
I want to let you in on a little secret...
I'm a sucker for any kind of anything you want to sell me. Don't tell the telemarketers that though!
Just kidding, I get kind of annoyed with the telemarketers, so I just don't answer our phone when they call. Ryan on the other hand will answer and pretend like he is someone else (ranging anywhere from an old man to a dorky kid!). It's actually quite funny and adds some entertainment. You've really got to hear it sometime.
Back to the topic at hand, I somehow came across a commercial or something for the Pancake Puff maker and I thought that I had to have it! I did this before with the Magic Bullet before. I watched an informercial multiple times and knew that I had seen it at Walgreens. So, the Mister and I walked to Walgreens and bought it. I haven't tried making many things with it, but it does make a mean chocolate malt!
Well, I REALLY wanted the Pancake Puff maker and it was like $20 cheaper at Walgreens! I bought it! I just can't wait to use it!
You can make anything you can think of in it; plain 'ole pancake puffs, brownie puffs, pizza puffs, cornbread puffs...the possibilities are endless! It even came with a little injector to fill with jellies, jams, puddings, etc. You get the idea, right?!
I will post some pics of when we try it out....which may or may not be this Sunday. We say it now, but we all know things can change!
labels - infomercials, random, yum-o
Except I didn't get tagged...I just found this on someone else's blog that I was reading.
It is so slow right now at work (knock on wood...I kind of like it) and have been browsing the web for new blogs to read. I found this and since I don't have much of anything to post at the moment, I thought I'd play this game!
Now...if you're reading this and you have a blog, I tag YOU! And I tag Jenny too! :-)
A- Attached or Single: attached
B- Best Friend: I have a few
C- Cake or Pie: I would have to say cake, unless it's a really good pie and I'm in the mood!
D- Day of Choice: I would have to say Sundays. It's usually our day to lay around and do NOTHING...alone...together!
E- Essential Item: purse...I usually HAVE to have one with me
F- Favorite Color: green and black and brown and...ha!
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: BOTH!
H- Hometown: born and raised in Mundelein, IL
I- Indulgence(s): anything chocolate and gossip mags
J- January or July: January (minus the snow)
K- Kids: none for us yet...some day
L- Life is incomplete without: my family
M- Marriage Date: January 31, 2009
N- Number of siblings: 3 - Adam, Emilie and Jordan...plus I'm about to gain plenty more and I just can't wait!
O- Oranges or Apples: apples (oranges if they are really sweet and good)
P- Phobias or Fears: snakes, they gross me out, even looking at them and losing someone I love
Q- Quote: "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." ~Mark Twain
R- Ring Size: 6
S- Season: Fall! Absolute all time fav!
T- Tag 3 friends: see very top of post...if you're reading...I tag YOU!
U- Unknown fact about me: I had hernia surgery when I was 3 years old...gross, but I bet you didn't know it!
V- Very favorite stores: Target, Forever 21, Kohls, TJ Maxx
W- Worst Habit: playing with my hair and pulling it out...arghghgh!
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: never had either...at least I don't think...
Y- Your Favorite food: oh how I love BOTH of those!
Z- Zodiac: Sagittarius
June 19, 2008
Love it!
I realize this is not the best picture to do this vase justice...but OH MY GAWSH...I love it!
This was at Salutos, where we went to for R's birthday. They had these on almost all of the tables in there. I was about to ask them where they got it so I could get me some for the wedding...but I chickened out and didn't. I could always call there, right?!
I don't know why, but I just LOVE it! It is so pretty and the taller longer flowers in it look so good too!
I may even just want one, two, three... to decorate at the house with!
labels - decorating, pretty things, vases
Strawberry Shortcake
labels - desserts, fruit, strawberries, summer
June 18, 2008
I'm sure this may be a boring post for some since you don't really know these peeps. BUT we took over 100 pictures during our one day trip to Minneapolis, MN...and I'm going to post some!
Because this is my blog and I can! :-)
We left on Saturday around 11:00am from our place. Everyone met there. We didn't arrive at our destination until 9:00pm!
What was supposed to be a 5 1/2 hour ride in the car turned into a 10 hour drive in the car.
Good think John rented a minivan!
There was a detour through Wisconsin Dells because of the flooding and all.
It was a fun time though. I am so glad that I went!
The ride home was nice and relaxing considering we didn't get much sleep the night before.
R and I...this was actually the way home...do I look bald?!
John and Sarah...if you're reading this, I hope I didn't spell your name wrong...I never know if there is an h or not?! In case you're wondering...they aren't mad...they're joking!
Katie and Sean...these are all the folks that drove up together. R went a little crazy with the camera in the car...I spared you some...
The infamous shot that we seem to always get of John lately...
labels - fun times, pictures, Rs band, shows, weekends with bella and ryan
June 17, 2008
I'm baaaack!!!
Did you miss me?
I feel like I've been being a good blogger lately and actually keeping up on posting and then I let you down with nothing for a couple of days! haha!
Well we had a fun weekend in Minnesota... More to come on that. We have PLENTY-O-PICS to share and post.
I'm now back at work...I was lucky enough to have yesterday off.
And believe me, it was well needed.
I had to get some things done though; I had a dentist appointment and an eye doctor appointment. I got myself some new specks. I like them, but won't get them for another week. I'll be sure to share when I do get them!
I'll post some pics later tonight...I've been lazy!
Have a great Tuesday!!!
labels - days off, the weekend, tiredness, vacation
June 13, 2008
One more for the road!
Last night, after I got off of work I took Ryan out for his birthday. It was his choice and he chose Salutos. Mmm...or so we thought...it turned out not being as good as it usually was, but the salad and bread was still good...and so was the calamari! The other stuff...not so much! It was still fun though! I love my birthday and I try to make Ryan feel special on his birthday! I left him this note for when he got home from work and I wasn't home. He had to wait to open the gifts until later :-)
June 12, 2008
Happy 28th Birthday Ryan!
Today is Ryan's 28th birthday...I know, he's getting up there! ha! I'm just kidding, Ryan, I know you'll be reading this...seriously, I'm just kidding!
Since he's turning 28, I thought I'd list 28 reasons why I love this man.
This one is for you babe!
1. His smile.
2. His jokes. He's a pretty funny guy and can make me laugh so hard! We have the best laughs together.
3. His love of politics. I wish I could be like him some day!
4. He is so smart and is up to date on the news all the time!
5. His stand up comic routines, or lack there of (at the moment at least) :-)
6. His Mason/Roxy voices
7. His ability to put up with me and my ocd-ness when it comes to having a clean home!
8. He will clean with me and let me follow him around to make sure he is doing it right!
9. His work ethic. Being able to work but then relax at home when it's the right timing.
10. How he cooks for me pretty much every week night since I work until 7:00pm.
11. His own fashion sense.
12. His 'routine' when getting ready, it's so funny!
13. The way he either tries to make me happy when I'm being emotional.
14. Or the way that he will ask me if I just want to be left alone if I'm being emotions...to which I always reply no...I want him to make me laugh and it usually works!
15. His love for music.
16. He'll kill a spider for me if there is one in the house...and I'm pretty sure he doesn't really like them either!
17. The way he compromises, no matter what it is.
18. How happy he makes me. This is not just a lame number to waste space, he really truly makes me happy and make me smile all the time.
19. Our routines that we have together (walking the dog, our shows, etc...)
20. How he plays his video games and I play on the computer and we just hang out together.
21. That really intense laugh that he gets sometimes, it's so funny! I just love laughing with him.
22. The way I can cheer him up if he's having a really bad time and also the opposite, the way he can do that for me.
23. The way we both trust eachother.
24. The way he proposed to me. I love that we didn't even have to say a word about marriage, we both just knew that we felt it.
25. He's not embarrassed really, ever!
26. Just the way that we have fun together!
27. The way he loves me just the way I am.
28. He is my best friend.
And more birthdays...
Last night we went out to dinner with Terri (future mil), Ed (Ryan's step dad), Mike, Stacey and little C. We went to J Alexanders for din~din and it was SO good! Of course, we all had burgers and chicken fingers, but still...it was good! Mike blowing out his candle on the cake...