January 31, 2008
Green is my FAVORITE color (really it is!)

January 29, 2008
Striking Writers

labels - boredom, tv, writers strike
January 28, 2008
New Kids are Back on the Block!
I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...you can find the story HERE
I used to be a HUGE FAN!!!
labels - 80s, new kids on the block, teen heartthrobs
January 25, 2008
Marilyn Monroe

I got this book for Christmas last year, from wonderful gal. My most
favorite part of this book are all the photos in there. They have some
of the most beautiful pics of her, just breathtaking!
labels - anna nicole, beauty, marilyn monroe
January 24, 2008
The Maestro

labels - coffee, drive thru, dunkin donuts, great service
January 23, 2008
The Public Pot
This may be a TABOO topic for some. I'm on the fence with this one. I MUST write about it though because it frequently crosses my mind. If you are one of the weak at heart, please don't read this post. I'll try to keep it G Rated.
The Subject Being...GOING POTTY IN PUBLIC RESTROOMS...and I don't mean *tinkling*!!!!
Now, I understand that, when you gotta go, you GOTTA GO. I am not one of those peeps though. I just cannot bring myself to do that in a restroom where there are other stalls...hence other people in the same bathroom as you.
This subject comes about because of my place of employment. I went to use the washroom today (just *tinkle*) and heard from 2 stalls down...PLUNK....PLUNK!!! I just couldn't believe it! I guess I'm just self conscious! Then the SMELL...I just don't enjoy smelling other people's smells! Ewwwwwww!!! That's all!
labels - bathroom, number 2, potty, public restrooms, toilet
We picked a date...

~The day I will marry my Lover~
Saturday January 31, 2009
labels - love, our wedding date, weddings
January 21, 2008
An Apple-a-Day
I FINALLY have insurance...well I have had it, but I hadn't received my cards until recently. Well...and then it took me a couple of weeks to actually call and make a dr's appointment...but that's my own fault!
On the subject of NEW insurance, you get to pick a NEW doctor...if you choose. Which in my case, I wanted to...I was on a pretty bad selection of mds on my last insurance. I try to pick the nicest sounding names, only to find that the doctor I picked has a dirty office with some not to nice looking patients. Try as I may, I tell myself not to judge, but I just ended up feeling scummy even walking in there. **The aforementioned doctors offices were also all under Condell Hospital.** (side note, I didn't have anything against Condell, and I would always wonder why EVERYONE would talk down about them. I still don't have anything against them...but maybe I'd like to try out a new hospital set of mds).
I called and made my doctors appointment this morning and was absolutely delighted when I made my appointment. The receptionist didn't give me attitude. She wasn't mad that I was calling to, heaven forbid, make a doctors appointment. She was so delightful and friendly and happy! It was amazing! Now, that is some good customer service....as a matter of fact, some of the best that I've received from a doctors office in so long! Hopefully the doctor is just as nice...I picked a good name this time...I can just feel it!!!
January 19, 2008
High School Amuse~ical

And I have to say...I LOVE the movie! Yep, that's right, it was so cute. I found myself getting the tunes going through my head as they were on. They are fun, catchy 'lil ditties! And the actors/actresses are so cute! They are the 'unharmed', innocent actors...(oh boy, I wonder what is in store for them, I hope Britney doesn't latch on).
I've seen some of them in the gossip mags already (prior to watching HSM2) and thought they were already getting sucked into Hollywood, but watching it made me have a bit of a different perspective (who knows, maybe I'm naive). So, if you ever have the chance to watch it, you know, if you're hanging out with your niece/nephew OR your child (OR we don't have to tell, but you randomly come across it on tv), take it for what's it's worth. It's Amusing!
labels - amusing, highschool musical 2, kids, movies, musicals
January 16, 2008
Premarital Counseling?!?!
labels - church, engagement, marriage, premarital counseling
January 15, 2008
How to look good...NAKED!!!
So, while we're (I'm I suppose) on the topic of TV Shows...and reality for that matter. Have you seen How To Look Good Naked? If not, you should check it out HERE. I have seen 2 episodes so far and I think I like it. I LOVE the fact that they are all about getting women to love the way the look currently. I mean, we all have body issues...i think we all do(?)! And there is always that notion that you HAVE TO have the perfect body. But I believe you need to love the skin you're in, in the first place, in order to really LOVE who you are.
My FAV part of the show is Carson Kressley though! He is such a hoot! I LOVE how he just makes the girls so comfortable and how gay he is, really! He cracks me up. One of the first episodes I saw, he was working with this gal who weighed probably like 250 pounds (or something like that, not too sure), but he picked her up and twirled her around. It was so funny, I mean he made her feel good. And then he makes them try on bras and undies and walk around in them. You know, just make them feel comfy! Alright, I think I'm just blabbering now.
labels - carson kressley, how to look good naked, reality tv, tv
Rock of Love
So, me and my Mister started watching Rock of Love when it first started sometime last year. I just randomly recorded it, thinking oh Mister R will probably like this. I myself, know some Poison songs, but seeing I was born in the early 80s, I wasn't a hard core rocker! Duh! Well, we both ended up getting addicted to it and well, season number 2 started on Sunday. Here we go again!
I can't help but get addicted to it...especially since the Writers Strike is going on...I look forward and get excited to watch the darn show! It is just hysterical too! Brett is just a sex crazed maniac (i mean did you see the season finale last season, he didn't want to make a decision and SERIOUSLY asked the two girls if they would both be his girlfriends!!! One said sure and the other wasn't having any of it!)...I'm sure he's not looking for long lasting love on a reality tv show...come on, we all know that doesn't last! And these girls all just want to be on tv...but it is hysterical...you should check it out!!! The fighting that goes on is the best part!!!
labels - brett michaels, reality tv, rock of love, tv
January 11, 2008
January 3, 2008
Blah Days & Spa Days
This is what you will see if you look out the window here...I personally, think it's time for the snow to go! I am one of those who likes snow on Christmas Day and that's about it! Why do I live here, you may ask...well, all (or most) of our family is here. How I wouldn't LOVE to be somewhere where the average temperature is 60s to 70s...but that is just not reality! I would miss everyone so much too! It is actually sunny today and supposed to warm up to 23 degrees (I think!). After all the holiday days off at work, it makes me not want to go back! But it is something we all (or most of us) must do...I just get in that blah mood though! OH WELL!
This Sunday, I will be using my gift certificate that I got from my future Mother-In-Law (MIL). I am going to the spa and getting a manicure, pedicure, facial AND massage. I am SO looking forward to that! It will AMAZING!
What do you do to lift your spirits in this cold, freezing weather???
January 2, 2008
We're Engaged!