February 29, 2008
Confessions of snooooow

labels - addictions, life with miss b, obsessions, snow, walgreens, winter
February 28, 2008
Ears Noses and Throats
labels - annoying, doctors, ent, frustrating
February 27, 2008
Nothing much to post...
labels - life with miss b, posting, snow, treadmill, winter
February 24, 2008
We got a treadmill (and a new bookcase too!)
labels - decorating, exercise, making our home, treadmill
February 22, 2008
Mason got a haircut
February 21, 2008
One word answers
Because I don't have anything to really blog about today, here you are!
I'll give you something to think about for tomorrow...Mason (the pooch) went to the groomer today for a haircut...
feeling: STUFFY
thinking about: FACE
your family history: UNFINISHED
the last person you had "words" with: DEALER (WORK...PARENTHESIS DON'T COUNT!)
want to fly away to: JAMAICA (NOW!)
hate the sight of: DIRT
the sport whose players turn you on: FOOTBALL
favorite color ink: BLACK
american idol judge who irritates you most: PAULA (CRAZY!)
place you thought monsters hid when you were little: BED
favorite spice or herb: GARLIC/DILL
what you like for breakfast: CEREAL
your living room couch: OURS
most recent purchase: LCDFLATSCREEN42INCHTVHA!
hours you typically sleep on weeknights: EIGHT
something you dislike: PAIN
favorite color: SAGEGREEN
your snack when willpower is nonexistent: CHOCOLATE
your bedsheets: DIRTY
the part of your face you scrunch most often: BETWEENEYEBROWS
the last thing you thought was funny: MASON
what you're going to do now: WORK
February 19, 2008
(I think) I'm addicted to caffeine

On a side note...I have been having 'issues' with my mouth! I have been getting tightening of my jaw. I am trying to do some research and it keeps coming up as TMJ. All of the reading that I've done doesn't exactly pin point how to get rid of it. So I went out and bought a stupid mouthpiece to wear to bed. In the directions, it says that aside from the mouthpiece, it wants you to focus on 'mouth closed-teeth open'. I have been 'practicing' this all day yesterday and it helped a bit. I just don't get it though...it is so frustrating and I want it to go away!!! I don't know why it is happening and I don't know which doctor to go to...the dentist or the doctor. Plus, I'm sure talking all day at work does not help one bit!!!
Any suggestions? Does anyone you know have this, or do you?
please...HELP ME!!!!!
labels - annoying, caffeine, coffee, jaw tightening, tmj
February 16, 2008
The little miss got a haircut

February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
Nothing all too special goings on here in our neck of the woods. The high today is supposed to be 38 degrees! This is so exciting, considering it's been in the negatives. The sun isn't out like it was yesterday though, so it doesn't look very enticing here. My Mister is making me din~din tonight, but this isn't for any special occasion (I have been blessed with this AWESOME gift ever since I started working later hours...isn't he just THE BEST?! I definitly think so!).
You see...I don't really think that big of Valentines Day. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it whatsoever. And I'm not going to throw a fit if The Mister got me flowers or a gift or anything for that matter...but I'm also not going to throw a fit if he didn't. In my opinion, I'd rather pick a random date out of a hat and have that be our special day for eachother, rather than have the same day that everyone else is joyously in love over (or the opposite, if you don't have anyone, and all depressed. Which I think is silly!).
OOOHHH...and for the men out there who think that V-Day is a woman's holiday, and think they don't have their own. Well, do I have something for you HERE...
***i will put a disclaimer on this one though...if you are easily apalled, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT go to this website. FYI...this is only because the day is called STEAK AND BJ DAY. Some gal called in on the morning show I was listening to this morning and was going on about it...too funny!
labels - dinner, love, steak, valentines day
February 13, 2008

labels - new shows, obsessed, tv, writers strike
New kicks

My Mister got me some new kicks! I love them and think they are sooo cute! I am really into flats right now. They just seem to be the most comfortable. These are Sketchers. Me likey!
labels - flats, i love them, shoes, sketchers
February 12, 2008
One of my pet peeves

labels - annoying, apartments, hallways, rules
February 11, 2008
A few highlights from our weekend

labels - fun purchases, r and r, the weekend, tvs
My head hurts...
labels - all weekend long, headache, misery, ouch
February 9, 2008
Ooh la spa
labels - anticipation, facial, mani, massage, pedi, relaxation, spa
February 8, 2008
I sometimes love to hate it
labels - b doesn't like, hot sauce, spicy
February 6, 2008
100% SUV Gal
Dear Winter
Oh Winter, how I hate to love you. While I love that silence you bring on those white snowy nights, I do not like how you make traffic stop and my head spin! You frustrate me when I think about how long my ride home will be, even though I live like 2 miles from work.
Don't get me wrong, Winter, you are so beautiful and peaceful. So graceful and white. I just wish you would pick a span of time and stick to it. No late in the season snows, pretty please? At least this year, and well maybe next?!
February 5, 2008

Wednesday: Periods of snow with areas of blowing snow. The snow could be heavy at times. High near 30. Blustery, with a north northeast wind between 20 and 25 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New snow accumulation of 3 to 5 inches possible.
labels - driving in snow, snow, storms, winter, working in snow