July 31, 2008
Bella: what does it all mean?
What Bella Means |
![]() You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
July 30, 2008
Rings, flats, clothes and games
Me and my Mister went last night to pick up our wedding bands! We had a glorious time and decided to walk the mall a bit just to give us something to do.
I went to TJ Maxx while he waited patiently for me in the arcade.
I got a couple of cute shirts and some new black pants for work. BUT I did spot some shoes that I really really liked!
I don't know about you, but I am a Jessica Simpson fan. Don't ask me why, I just have this unexplainable like for her. I knew she had a shoe line out and I have 'browsed' it on zappos.com occassionally, but never really took the time to look through them all.
Well, while at TJ Maxx last night, I found the cutest flats with an even cuter square toe (see the black shoes below). They were SO adorable and cute and they were even comfy! I didn't get them though. I know, I know. I should have. I always do that! We'll see, there were plenty, I might go back.
I just searched shoes.com and there are SO many cute little square toed flats from the Jessica Simpson Collection! I could go shoe crazy!!! I'm thinking that would break the bank though! :-) These are the cute shoes that I almost, just almost bought!

labels - fun times, our future, rings, shoes
July 29, 2008
A few fun facts about Chicago
In 1885 the world’s first Skyscraper was built in Chicago.
The Sears Tower is the largest building (as of current) on the North American continent.
The first aquarium opened in Chicago in 1893.
The NFLs Chicago Bears were first known as the "Staley Bears".
The first animal purchased for the Lincoln Park Zoo was a bear cub, bought for $10 on June 1st, 1874.
The Chicago River is dyed green on Saint Patrick’s Day.
Chicago is the nation’s third largest city.
Contrary to popular belief, the Fire of 1871 burned less than one quarter of the area of the city.
America’s first movie studio, Polyscope, was founded in Chicago in 1897.
The airport baggage abbreviation for O’Hare International Airport, “ORD,” derives from the location’s earlier name, Orchard Place.
labels - chicago, fun facts, my kind of town
We should open a bridal shoppe...
...cause if we did...WE'D BE RICH!
Ryan and I have been trying to think of what kind of business we could get ourselves into where we could work for ourselves. I told him we should open something that has to do with weddings. We would make major dough then!
Honestly, EVERYTHING (and I don't lie here) is just jacked up in terms of prices and what not.
Which brings me to the tiaras and veils that I tried on during my wedding dress hunt.
Oh the wedding dress, that's a completely different subject in terms of money! Luckily, I knew what style I wanted and found my dress online for a VERY reasonable price!
Okay, back to the tiaras and veils.
The tiaras are no less than $75 and go well over the $100 mark.
The veils I was trying on were almost $200! Can you even believe it?! All for a few fake beads and some tulle?!
That's why I'm sticking to making my own 'hair decor' and finding a cute and practical veil somewhere else!
Plus, I think it'll mean more if I make some of the things on my own. And I'm going to make Ava (my niecey aka the flower girl) a matching hair piece to mine. Too cute!
labels - accessories, decor, the wedding
I'm gonna brag...
Pardon me for a moment while I brag a little bit here...
I'm really not trying to be snotty or anything like that. Just admiring myself. So I guess maybe a little bit vain! :-)
I don't recall if I mentioned or not, but my friend Jenny did my hair a few weeks ago. She did an awesome job (as always), but whenever I get my hair cut, trimmed, whatever...it takes me a week to get it to style correctly.
Well as of late, my hair has been blowdrying and straightening just perfectly. I just love this!
Today, I was washing my hands in the bathroom at work and noticed how perfectly in place it was and how perfect the ends looked. Rather than the raggedy ends that I had circa two weeks ago!
Sorry if you think I'm being vain...I guess I am, but I can, this is my blog! :-)
July 27, 2008
The local fair
Friday night, my little niecey was spending the night. My mom came over and we met my friend Jenny and her fiance at the Lake County Fair. As we were pulling up to the intersection where you could semi-see the top of the rides, Ava was getting SO excited in the back seat of the car. I thought it was hysterical! I have never seen anyone get so excited over something! It was too funny! She was just talking and we were having our own conversation. At one point she asked, "Can I please just scream?!?!" To which my mom answered no. And then you just hear this short but excited scream in the back seat. It was hysterical!!!
It was pretty crowded and rather warm and muggy, but it was fun. I went on one ride with Ava. It was the gravity one that spins and then rises up. My stomach didn't feel too good after that, but that didn't stop me from having some fair food! Who could go to the fair and not get some yummy bad stuff?! I had some icecream (you know, since I was hot). Then I had some bites of an elephant ear, which I had never had before and I have to say are much better than funnel cakes! And of course, I had to get some cotton candy to bring home with me. Me and Ava enjoyed a few pieces right before bed! I just love cotton candy (or anything with sugar in it!).
Ava was a brave little one and wanted to go on all of the rides. Even the upside down ones!
Here are some lovely pics from the night...sit back and enjoy, there are quite a few... Me and me mum

July 25, 2008
Sleepovers and the Fair
We're off to the Fair tonight. Little Ava is sleeping over and me and mom are going to take her over to the Lake County Fair! It should be fun. I'm sure it'll be nice and crowded...
My friend Jenny might meet us there too!
Then tomorrow, I'm going to take Ava swimming at our pool. This is not necesarily to be the
'fun Aunt', but rather to just wear her out in hopes of having nap time tomorrow! ha!
My Mister has a show at night and I plan on going and having a good 'ole time! So I need a nappy tomorrow (or some sort of rest and relaxation)!
I have been sleeping alone the past couple of nights since Ryan has had to work overnight at the hotel. It's been SO lonely and I just can't wait for tonight! Which brings me to Sunday! We get to lay around ALL DAY LONG and DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING together! I simply can't wait for it!
I'll try to remember to take some pics and post on the weekend!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!
July 22, 2008
I just had to post this because I thought it was so darling.
Picture from weddingbee.
labels - weddings
It's a meme!
Alright...I don't have much for you today. Other than the fact that I had a wonderful 3 day weekend and I'm hating being back at work. But that's all I've got!
So without further ado...a meme for you! (I'm rhyming now too!)
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I would have been 15 years old. I was enjoying the summer while being on summer vacation. Yes, yes the good old days when I actually got summer break. Boy do I miss that. I was actually just thinking of that this morning. I believe I got my first job that summer working as a phone/carryout girl at Royal Cantonese chinese restaurant. I had my drivers permit and was counting down the months until I could get my license. Oh to be that young and carefree again! I guess I would only resort back to that if I could still have the life I have today!
Favorite Snacks
chips and salsa (soo good, could eat it any time)
chocolate (any kind any form...yum!)
To Do List
I normally write to do lists when I have more than 2 things to do. Otherwise I will forget! On my list at the moment is just a lot of wedding stuff. We are a tad bit behind on a few things, but that's okay, we've got some time! Some of the most important things...book a photographer, finalize our guest list and get started on our passport application (I swear, I feel like we're not going to have them by the time of our honeymoon!).
Today my list consists of the following:
1) take a shower (EVERYBODY NEEDS A GOAL)2) movie with Alex3) make Costco list for D.4) phone call @ 2 with BP (a person, not the oil company)5) change sheets6) LAUNDRY7) conquer a little bit of the email mountain8) work on some stuff for my, well, work9) edit podcast (you didn’t even know we still did those, did you?)10) cook supper11) write something (again: GOALS! I HAVE THEM!)
Jobs I Have Had
babysitter, chinese food take out girl, salon receptionist, marshall fields associate, front desk hotel clerk, sales rep...
Places I Have Lived
All in Illinois...Mundelein, Normal (short lived), Libertyville, McHenry and Grayslake
Bad Habits
procrastination (only at times), eating too much, perfection (it IS a bad thing, believe me!), cleaning too much, I could go on and on and on...
5 Random Things People May Not Know
1) My parents are divorced but they have a great relationship with eacother. I often joke when go out to dinner with them that we're going out to dinner with my 'mom and dad' (you know, like they are still together! ha!).
2) Ryan and I met while he was my boss at the hotel. I thank the Lord that I took the path that I did or else I would have never met my future hubby and might I add one of the best men in the world!
3) I have been to Europe (Germany, Belgium, England and France). It was when I was maybe 14 years old, so I was less appreciative of it than I should have been.
4) I had surgery for 2 hernias when I was just 2 (almost 3...i think) years old.
5) I have a birthmark on the middle of my lower back that my mom always used to tell me was an upside down L (of course, she told me this because my middle name starts with an L!).
CDs I would want if stranded on an island
Well I don't necesarily listen to cds so I would just loap up our iPod with anything and everything that could fit on there. Maybe add some movies too! :-)
What I’d Do if I Were a Billionaire
1) Pay off anything that needed to be paid off.
2) Buy a house and pay it in full so that we wouldn't have to worry about mortgage payments.
3) Quit my job and pick up a hobby that would eventually make me money!
4) Give a chunk of money to each of our family members.
5) Travel the world with Ryan and experience life!
That's about it! If you're reading this then you are tagged!
July 21, 2008
Wedding {check}
Yay! We went to Zales today to get our wedding bands! What fun! Excuse the 'outlet' part of the sign...they actually had the ring that I wanted there...and if we could get it for cheaper, well then, duh?! :-) I can't wait for them to come in! I'll post a pic after the wedding :-)
labels - love, the wedding, us
July 20, 2008
I'm truly addicted {and other weekend jaunts}
On Saturday, I went scrapbooking for my very first time. I've actually dabbled in it a little bit before, but was never truly aware of the vast aray of materials available to use.
I must say, I am addicted!
I went with Lori (future sil) who is a scrapbooker herself. We had a really fun time. It was nice to spend some time with her and I got to learn how to do some different things. I just love it!
At first I was excited but a little worried. There are so many different options that I thought I wouldn't be able to decide on what to do or where to start exactly. Then it just kind of came to me. Not to mention, we were in a scrapbooking store working on our stuff, so the world was at our fingertips.
Here is some of what I did. I am so proud of myself for being so crafty! Who would have known?!
I love the cover!
This is my first page. I want to write some 'memories' likes dates and such or a quote on the little sticker on the right. I love this page, its one of my favorites.

labels - family, friends, fun, weekends with bella and ryan
Friday night birthday celebration
We went to a little bar/pizza place on Friday night for Cody's (my cousin) and Morgan's (my sil) birthdays. Cody's was about a week ago and Morgan's is coming up this week. We had some yummy beer nuggets and some pizza! It was a fun time, although it was loud in there and there were so many conversations going on around my head that I couldn't concentrate and it was driving me crazy?! Yeah, I know, I'm a little weird! :-) Adam (brother) and Dad
July 19, 2008
feelin' crafty
Check out my new blog.
It's just an outlet for me to record projects that I find and want to remember.
I thought it would be a good idea so that I don't have so many pages book marked or written down everywhere.
There's not much on there yet, but...stay tuned...
Click HERE to check it out!
labels - Blogs, craftiness
July 18, 2008
Bits & Pieces

labels - beauty products, fun stuff, other blogs
We had our tasting last night for our wedding reception. It was actually really nice. A bit shorter than we had anticipated, but that was to our liking.
We got to nosh on cream cheese filled cucumbers, mini beef wellington (our fave), calamari, filet, chicken parm and chicken marsala. I think there was a little too much wine in the chicken marsala, but we're not having that...so that's a good thing! :-)
We had a really good time together though and it was something fun to experience together.
Pardon my no pictures. I DID bring the camera, but completely forgot to take any pictures!
I loved going back to Astoria to see the place again. It reminded me of how much I love it there!
labels - making memories, wedding plans
July 16, 2008
Props to my future hubbs
First off, this post is coming a day late. I meant to post it yesterday, but it got too busy at work and why would I blog at home?! ha! Just kidding...after staring at a computer all day long, it's the last thing I want to do while I'm home, usually...
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm a bit of a neat/clean freak. That said, Ryan does his part (as much as I let him, did I mention I'm a clean freak and a little controlling when it comes to that?!).
To my suprise when I arrived home from work on Monday, the house was all picked up, clean and even vaccumed (totally spelled that wrong)! It was awesome! Plus, he had ran out and got us the first season of Hell's Kitchen (we're obsessed). Dinner was almost done (see below...mmm!) and it smelled so good. I didn't have to do anything but change my clothes and sit down!
To top it all off, I was have tummy issues all day long and felt horrible and you know what he did?! He ran out to Walgreens for me, even though I'm sure he just wanted to sit down and relax before going to bed.
Isn't he just the best?!
I think so and I thank my lucky stars each and every day that I have him.
I am so glad that we get to grow old and grey together. It's the best feeling knowing that it'll be with him! He even remembered to take pics for the blog while he was making us dinner! It just kept getting better and better! :-)
labels - dinner, happiness, i love him
July 14, 2008
Our babies names
Ryan and I have been talking a bit lately about when we are going to start making babies. Then, the subject switched to names. While we have had our boys name picked out for awhile now, we've had to have some fun discussion on our girls name.
Obviously we're hoping for one of each! ha! :-)
Since God works in those ways. Right.
No, whatever we have, we just want it to be happy and healthy!
So back to the subject at hand.
Jack Ryan. This will be our boy's name. Jack was a dear friend of Ryan and I. He was an older gentleman who worked at the hotel where Ryan and I met. He would stock all needed things at the hotel and run errands as well as drive guests around. He was the most kindest man and really got to know each of us. We consider him a dear friend. He passed away last year and we wanted to honor him. Plus, Jack goes with our last name (or my future last name...)! His middle name, Ryan, is for obvious reasons...that's his daddy's name!
Oh and p.s. there will be no calling him J.R. for short...hate that...ick!
Now before I tell you our little girls name I want to tell you what I had originally liked. And that would be Madison. However, Ryan doesn't like it because he claims it's a strippers name (sorry if your whild is named Madison...I love it! It's not me!). I just like the nickname Maddy and it also goes so cutely with my {future} last name. So I told R that IF we have 2 girls (and my future sil doesn't use it...she liked it too) then maybe I'll just have to have my way! :-)
Olivia Bea. After my original name was rejected I was on the hunt for a cute name. I thought of Olivia before, not necesarily as my childs name, but thought it was cute. While I can't stand Olive, I do love Liv as a nickname. Too cute! The middle name would stand for a couple of things. Ryan calls me B all the time or BB...it's his little nickname for me, has been since maybe before we even started dating. Also, my Nonni's (Grandma) name is Beatrice, Bea for short. So we would be honoring her (hi Nonni!)(she reads my blog!).
I had originally thought of Olivia Grace, but I like that Ryan put some meaning behind it. It makes me glad to know that we both thought of a name for our little girl!
Pretty cake
Isn't this such a pretty yet simple cake?! We were originally planning on (well I was) a plain white cake with maybe some pearl decorations on it. Since I've seen some cute cakes with black (one of our colors) bands around the tiers...I may be leaning towards something different like that. Just an idea. And I found this cake and it looks so yummy and pretty! Minus the pink flowers...
labels - cake, the wedding, yum-o
Working 9 to 5
Well those aren't necesarily my work hours, but I am sick of it!
Is it time for me to retire yet?! haha!
Really, can we win the lottery or have some strange luck come our way?
Because that would really make my day right now...
labels - work
July 13, 2008
Homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches
I had a craving for chocolate last night. We didn't have any real chocolate, but we did have brownie mix...and ice cream! :-) I thought I'd make some homemade ice cream sammies using brownie cookies and chocolate ice cream.
I made the brownie cookies (so good) and then gave up going any further. I got kind of tired.
This morning, I finished the process and they just look so good. They are currently chilling in the freezer waiting ever so patiently for us to eat them!
Don't they look so good?!...
labels - sweets, treats, yummy eats
Mirrors mirrors on the wall
We ran out to the local Super K on our way to get dinner today and picked up a few things (i.e. new cushy bike seats so our bums don't hurt, sand paper for a project I'm working on {see below}, and some other odds and ends).
I'm always looking for something decorative to make our house a cozy home and add depth to our rooms. I happened upon a set of mirrors and have kind of been looking for something like this to go next to our door. We put them up when we got home and I think they look cute! See our faces in the mirrors?! ha! :-)
We put them to the left of the door. Slowly but surely we are gaining little decorations!

labels - craftiness, decorating, projects
A drive to Rockford
On Saturday, I so graciously offered myself up for driving Grandma to Rockford to attend her sister's 60th wedding anniversary lunch. I had Ava for the day, so she joined us too!
It was a fun time, kind of, and it was nice to spend some time with my Grandma, but we were in the car for an awful long time and I, of course was the only driver. Add on top of that, a 5 year old who got pretty bored pretty quickly and decided to act up...
Boy oh boy was I wiped out by the time we finally got home and oh so happy to go home to a nice quiet house. It was a fine day though! Grandma and Ava