September 30, 2008
September 29, 2008
Helloooo Lover!
A couple girlfriends and I had a movie night on Saturday and watched Sex and the City THE MOVIE!!! Now, this has been long awaited. We had all tried to get together when it was in the theaters and one of us was unable to do the date that all the others could do. We still didn't have everybody on Saturday, but it came out and I wanted to see it!!!
I must say, it wasn't as great/grand/spectacular as I thought it would be, but it was still good and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Have you seen this movie? Did you like the series? What did you like/dislike about the movie?
I thought that it didn't have that true spunk that the series had. I also wish that they would stop playing silly little games. I'm not going to ruin it and say anything, in case any of you reading haven't seen it yet, but they are in their 40s plus... Come on!
Other than that....loved it! haha! :-)
labels - fun, girls night, movies
September 28, 2008
It's time for Homecoming! You know that time of year when you look forward to the big football game, the fun parade, the school spirit.
I get the pleasure (and I'm serious about that) of doing my sister Jordan's hair every year for dances. Today was the day! I'd like to think it turned out great!This is Jordy, isn't she so cute?! She is ten years younger than me! Now, I know I am not old by any stretch of the imagination, but she's a junior in high school AND getting her drivers license! I still remember when she was a little tiny baby :-) (love you Jordan!)
labels - dances, hair, homecoming, sisters
September 25, 2008
Got TV?
I am in tv overload right now and I am just lovin' it! Lipstick Jungle premiered last night (for the second season) and it just reinforced how much I love that show!!! If you don't watch it...YOU SHOULD!!! :-)
Tonight is an exciting night with the premieres of The Office. I can't wait to see what happens on that show. I sometimes wonder if they have any material left. It was a little slow starting last season, but they pulled through in the end. I like either way though! It's such odd yet hysterical humor.
And....(drumroll please...)...Grey's Anatomy!!! I just can't wait!!! I have seen some commercials for it and I hope hope hope that what I heard someone say is not true!
Okay, so remember last season, in the season finale, at the end when Meredith set up candles to signify their house on the lot of land that McDreamy owned? Meaning, she wanted to move in with him and start a life with him? And remember how he had to leave to go break up with Rose, just to make things right? Well, on the commercial, there was a scene shown where Rose was talking to I don't know who and she said, "I am pregnant with your child."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, hello?!?! That can't happen!!! And I don't necesarily know if this is a spoiler, for all we know it could be someone elses, right?! I sure hope so! I guess we'll have to find out tonight...
And I simply can't wait!
labels - obsessions, premieres, tv
September 23, 2008
{long} weekend round up
As I previously mentioned, I had a great start to my weekend...
And I had an even better end to it! ha! It was 3 1/2 days long...I just love long weekends. The only bad thing...I never want to go back to work by the end! I just wish I could be a stay at home fiance! haha! :-)
I wanted to share some craftiness that I created on my own...with a little help from my blog friends though!
I made this cute little autumn candle deal with a leftover vase from some cute flowers, a smaller class tea light holder (on the inside) and some fake-o leaves that I found in the dollar bin at Target! Put them together and...voila!
As posted before, I got this neat little 'table' which I planned on turning into a night stand AND REPAINTING! That was so ick! The people at the shop were asking me if it was for my niece's room (they obviously didn't know she wasn't my daughter, does that happen to any of you?! Kind of annoying!) since she was with me.


labels - crafting, decorating, weekends
September 22, 2008
Bear down, Chicago Bears...
Yesterday...Sunday September 21st was
Well it was my first real football game too! We had a great day. It stinks that they lost, but I had a fun experience! I thought it was going to be a little bit cooler, but au contraire, it was pretty stinkin' hot out. Not to mention we were in the endzone in the direct sunlight! By the time we left, my hair felt like I had taken a shower (um, yeah, it was full of sweat!). I did get some much needed sun, although my sunglasses did a great job of giving me a raccoon sunburn on my face. :-)
I decided to put up all the pictures that we had so here you go...
Sit back, relax and put your feet up! Oh and these are for you guys, Mike and Stacey so go on and save picture as! The beginning of our journey
labels - family, football, friends, fun, weekends with bella and ryan
September 20, 2008
Exciting News!
I have some exciting news...
I interviewed for and have accepted a new position at work!!!
I am so excited and looking forward to the change, and did I mention I get to work normal working hours rather than a schedule of 1030-700pm every day? Oh I didn't, well...I do! How awesome is that?!
Coloring and Trash or Treasure?
I just have to say, my weekend started out right! I ended up taking a half day at work and getting out just after noon! That's a great way to start the weekend if I may say so myself! :-)
I got to hang out with Ava on Saturday and spent some quality time with my bestie Jenny. It was a fun time. We all colored and talked plenty about wedding stuff, since both of our weddings are coming just around the corner we like to call 'winter'.
En route to drop the little Miss off to my mom, we had some time to kill so I decided to take a jaunt into this little trash/treasure~ish store. After being in this blog world, I have realized that possibilities are often found in rare places. The store was called Whatnot and looked kind of like a junk yardish type store. I thought that I must be able to find something that I could redo and use. You bet I did!!!I've been looking for a smaller nightstand for my side of the bed. I've always wanted one and would hope to have matching ones, but have learned that they don't always have to match. I found this cute little thing (which, don't worry, I'm repainting it brown!!!) and thought it would be perfect.

September 17, 2008
Jon & Kate plus Eight!
I'm sure most of you have seen Jon and Kate plus Eight? I was a late starter to this show, but let me tell you, I just can't get enough of it!
I'm talkin', they usually play a bunch of reruns on Monday nights along with the new episode and I dvr every one that I have not yet seen!
It's just amazing how they juggle EIGHT kids! I myself would be in the looney bin by now! Truly amazing. Another thing that warms my heart (ha!) is how in the opening introduction they admit that it's a crazy life and they aren't always perfect, but they are in it together. I just think that's wonderful to hear. They know it's not easy.
I do have to say, Kate reminds me of my Zizi Nikki (aunt)...sorry Zizi Nikki, but it's not a bad thing in any way! I think her accent, since they are from the East Coast, reminds me of yours!
So is anyone else addicted?
What is your all time favorite show?
September 15, 2008
Weekend round~up
I'd like to think we had a good weekend! We started it out right with our regular PIZZA FRIDAY. It was pretty rainy all weekend so I got to lounge around all day Saturday.
I worked on some wedding stuff on Saturday night while my Mister was at his show. I did some cute things! I don't really want to share on here though because I want it to be a surprise, kind of. I guess it really doesn't matter, but whatever.
During my 'crafting' I looked down and noticed my knuckle was blackish/greyish/bluish. I kind of freaked out, I was home alone! I called R and then my mom. It's still a shade of blueish/purple, but man it was weird! I still don't know what I did! We went and hung out with Mike & Stacey (future bil/sil) on Sunday to watch the Bears. They lost, so that was a bummer. Mason got to see his girlfriend/cousin (ha!) so he was pretty happy. You wouldn't believe the things they do...
labels - weekends with bella and ryan
Thoughtful Inspiration
If you don't know Nie Nie, you should. If you don't know how, you can click here.
I read a post today that had been reposted from earlier this year. And it gave me great inspiration to do good for other people. I might just go ahead and recreate it on my own. What a great way to really bring joy to others.
Nie and her kids make little strips of paper that have an extra tab sticking off of them that say READ ME. They went around their town and stuck them in places where people would see them. Each one had something on it along the lines of; you are special, you are beautiful, God loves you, someone loves you, etc.
Isn't that just wonderful? Wouldn't you like to be the one standing there watching that persons face as they pick it up and read it? And doesn't that just send such a great message to the kids who are doing it? I just think it's wonderful!
I'll let you know what happens if I do it!
labels - kindness
I wasn't necesarily tagged, but a blog that I read was tagged and, well, she tagged anyone who was I thought I'd do the same. I'm at a loss at the moment for blog material (or at least until I get home and have some pics) so I'm going forward with this! So...if you are reading this and you want to do it...I TAG YOU!
- My wonderful wonderful future husband. I truly do believe I have found the one. We just get along so well. I've never had to not work at something for it to be good and this just is.
- My MOM. She is a true blessing. She is more like my friend than my mother and I am so thankful for her! I can tell her anything...sometimes she tells me more than I want to hear! ha!
- Sweet stuff. I love snacks and goodies a little bit too much...
- Darkness. Seriously, when I walk Mason at night by myself, I get so scared. Daytime? No problem...the light seems to change everything!
- Losing my lover (R). I know, I know, I'm not going to, but it is just an irrational fear that I have.
- Me not being able to have babies. You never know until you start trying. I, obviously have never tried yet, but I worry that when I do, I will be unable to.
- I want to start eating better.
- I want to tone up my body.
- I want to do better. I want to be a better person.
- Cooking, baking, making things. A lot of the times, I will bake something, eat one piece of it and be done with it! I just like to make things!
- New clothes, shoes, purses. Although I don't always splurge on them, I do eye a lot of them and debate in my head a million times over if I a) really need it, or b) really want to spend the money on it. I'm so bad at that!
- Reality TV. Love to hate it.
- Sometimes, when I'm home alone at night, I will check behind every single door, look in all the closets, etc to make sure that no one has snuck in! I'm a scaredy cat!
- I wish I owned an animal shelter!
- I don't think I've worn shorts one time this summer!
September 13, 2008
Fall TV Line Up
I've been meaning to do this for some time now. I am a freak and need to see, written down, my shows that I like to watch and what nights they are on. With the blog, you all get to benefit from it too! Sorry if I leave some shows off, but you can always click the link to get them all! Here goes... (oh and p.s. these are going to be in central standard time!)
The Biggest Loser (9/16) 7:00 - 8:30
Kath & Kim (10/9) 8:30 - 9:00
Lipstick Jungle (9/24) 9:00 - 10:00
The Office (9/25) 8:00 - hour season premier...woo hoo!
ER (9/25) 9:00 - 10:00
Dancing with the Starts (9/22) 7:00 - 8:30
Samantha Who (10/6) 8:30 - 9:00
Dancing with the Stars Results Show (9/23) 8:00 - 9:00
Private Practice (10/1) 8:00 - 9:00
Greys Anatomy (9/25) 8:00 - 9:00
Wife Swap (10/3) 7:00 - 8:00
Desperate Housewives (9/28) 8:00 - 9:00
Kitchen Nightmares (9/4) 8:00 - 9:00
That's it for now...
I'm getting a little bit impatient toggling back and forth here... Hope it helps out some! :-)
Are you ready for some football?!
I have to admit, I was never one for football, but with my Mister being an avid Bears fan, I thought that I should participate and get into the game. So...I went out and got myself a Football for Dummies book. I made it part way through, skimming some pages. After reading that and watching a few games (and asking plenty of questions), I got the just of it. I still don't know certain technicalities, but I can watch a game and get excited!
And guess what?!?! I'm going to my first Bears game, let alone my first official football game next Sunday! Even better? It's the home opener at Soldier Field! Pretty cool, huh?! Added bonus? I'm going with my Mister and my soon-to-be brother and sister in law! I'm positive it will be a wonderful day!

labels - football
September 11, 2008
My ode to Candy Corn!
I know it's not a favorite of everyones, but I LOVE me some candy corn!
Actually, I LOVE me A LOT of candy corn! Even though those sugary cones of goodness hurt my teeth after a few, I could eat bags of them!
So, in honor of my sweet friendly treat, here are some fun facts about the candy!
~Did you know that October 30th is National Candy Corn Day?! (I must celebrate this year! ha!)
~1 serving of candy corn contains only 140 calories...very good to know!
~More than 35 million pounds of candy corn will be produced this year!
~The different flavored candy corns do not have a different flavoring, it's just the coloring ( still tastes different to me!)
So what about you...what is YOUR favorite holiday candy?
September 10, 2008
A little bit of randomness...
This is going to be kind of a random post and now that I look at the pictures I have, well they don't look all too pretty or anything...
I have begun to order wedding 'stuff' and it is all starting to be delivered. I needed a space to put this stuff without it laying around on the ground and getting all dusty, so I borrowed my brother and sister in law's card table and set up camp in our 'office' aka spare bedroom! Here is an oh so hot shot of it all! Yep, this is where all the action takes place! ha!

And GUESS WHAT?!?! Our wedding invitations are here! I am so excited! It was so fun and exciting to look through everything!
I thought I'd share!
labels - packages, wedding stuff
September 8, 2008
Happy Birthday {again!}
Yesterday we had some of my family over for Ava's Family Birthday Party.
This, of course, sent me into a cleaning frenzy ALL DAY LONG on Saturday. So much so that when I woke up on Sunday morning, the tops of my thighs (not sure what that muscle group is called) were sore, yes...sore from cleaning! You could imagine my delight in knowing that I didn't feel bad working out at all over the weekend! I did it while cleaning, right?! ha! I had to do something special for her! She's my little mini me! I got her a happy birthday decoration and she LOVES Hannah Montana, so I got those decorations hanging there too! She took those home with her to hang up in her room!