Not for good though!
You can't get rid of me that easily! ha! I am rather happy that blog posting every single day is over. I get this stupid sense of guilt if I don't post. Just another thing to think of some days! That's why I think I have better posts when not pressured to post!
We had a very productive weekend!
Turkey Day was great! And on Friday we ventured out into the madness of Black Friday.
I have to say...I am not a huge shopper to the point where I would go crazy on that day. I'm not one for crowds.
I started off the morning by going with Jenny to pick up her wedding gown! She looked absolutely beautiful in it!
Below...a snippet of her dress. Can't show the entire thing now. Just in case her future Mister peeks in!
Her dress is so pretty!
I also got an early birthday present from her too! Look...
Isn't it just darling?! I love it! I will be wearing it on my wedding day. Oh the memories! And it came all the way from Europe!!! I am truly blessed to have a friend like Jenny.
The invitations are in the mail!
Or they will be as of tomorrow!!! Ryan and I finished them up today. I am so super excited!!! I also managed to finish all of my Thank Yous last night too! Yay for me!
I hope you all had a nice LOOOOONG weekend! I know I did.
Want to know a secret?
I'm off tomorrow too!
Boo for my Mister though...wish he could play hookey with me!
3 more weeks and we will have another nice long weekend!
November 30, 2008
Day 30 of 30!!! I bid you adiue
**We interupt this NaBloPoMo**
I have been 'rehabbing' around the site. I hope you will find it very pleasing! ha!
I'm experimenting and learning how to tweak html and make my own layouts! I love it!
Only problem I'm a bit addicted to purchasing digital scrapbooking kits. Darn Pay Pal makes it so easy...
It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas around here too!
labels - digital scrapbooking, makeover
November 29, 2008
Post 29 of 30: Christmas Decor
First off, I'd like to say that THIS IS MY 300TH POST!!! Can you believe it?!
'Cause I sure can't!
Well, we had a FULL day of cleaning today. I wanted to clean real good and put away fall stuff to make way for Christmas Stuff!!! I almost started last weekend but decided to wait.
I made these cute frames that say JOY. You can't tell but there is a polka dotted scrap paper in the middle background. I think they turned out cute. Those are on display in the living room!
I ended up having leftover fake garland, so I made a little wreath and attempted to make a cute bow. That obviously didn't work out all to well. I had to settle for these red ball things. They are ornaments for the tree. I think it worked out though.
We got our first Christmas card in the mail today. Can you see it?! I am trying this out as a card holder too. It's up high on a wall in between the living room and kitchen. So far, I think I like it. Now, if we could just get some more Christmas cards to put on there...
Here is what I have been scheming in my head for the past year. I have to say, I LOVE how it turned out!Clearly, this is fake garland. I got some over sized ornaments at Ace Hardware along with some velvety ribbon and voila!
Another little new project. I had two leftover poinsettias from the bridal shower last weekend. I added them to our mantle with a little bit of garland and some of the Christmas decorations from last year... LOVE IT!
I was originally going to put the JOY frames above the mantle (under the clock). I decided that would have been too busy. I think I'm pretty happy how it all turned out!
Now we just need our tree. I have readied the corner and we are good to go! I love Christmas decoration. It's so bright and cheerful. I do have to say I am wiped from cleaning all day long!
When do YOU start decorating for Christmas?!
And when do you take it down? Is it a right after Christmas kind of thing or do you like to let it live on just a little bit longer?
labels - christmas
November 27, 2008
Day 27 of 30: Giving Thanks
labels - Give thanks
November 26, 2008
Day 26 of 30: Did you watch?!?!
I was just about to settle in last night to watch some recorded shows that I have (yeah, like 4 or 5 episodes of Greys's a bit overwhelming!).
Then I realized that The Real Housewives of Orange County started again last night!
Had to watch it.
No time for all of you Greys!
The RH of OC is my favorite out of all of The Real Housewives series. New York, their accents annoy me...Atlanta...well it's just not my cup of tea...
I can't tell if I'm going to like the new girl yet or not. Should be fun!!!
Check it out on Bravo, Tuesday nights at 8:00pm central time!
labels - reality tv
Day 26 of 30: It's Friday!!!'s actually Wednesday...
Today is the last day at work until we are off for a long holiday weekend. I don't know why, but that just makes me SO happy!
Plus, I took Monday off too! So essentially I have a whole week off from work! ha!
I do have some much needed wedding things that need to get done. Such as...mailing out our invitations!!! How exciting!!!
I have to admit, (side story...we have a countdown on our desktop of our computer counting down days until the wedding is here) I am getting a little stressed out when I see the number on the computer screen.
Not for bad reasons, but I feel like we should have everything done and NOW! I'm like that though. I like to get it done and be done with it.
I wish I wasn't sometimes.
Do you like my rehearsal dinner bouquet? My girlies made it for me at the shower. It definitely have some character!
I'm off to get some work done. Later tonight I get to bake a few things and then tomorrow I plan on eating a lot! ha!
Not too much though...I have another dress fitting coming up on Tuesday!
labels - turkey day, wedding stuff
November 25, 2008
Day 25 of 30: I can't believe Christmas is ONE MONTH away!!!
Did I mention we got A LOT of gifts at our shower?!
Well. We did.
I have put off putting them away, but decided to finish tonight. Phew, thank gawd that's over! Being the neat/clean freak that I am, it is suprising that I even waited a couple of days! It feels good to have it all sorted out. Only now our 'office' is full of clutter.
Have I mentioned I hate clutter?
Well. I do.
We can't wait to use all of the new things!!!

Have I mentioned I LOVE black?

Also...since we got a new couch. We aren't allowing the animals to get up on it. When I sit over there, Mason always wants to come up.
He can't!
So...he lays with his daddy!
He fell asleep all over Ryan's legs the other night. Luckily, I had the camera on the table. He was sound asleep just draped over R's legs. It was too funny.
I must have bothered him though because I got the look above. Woke him up right in the middle of his deep sleep. How dare me?!
November 24, 2008
Day 24 of 30: It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
When we awoke this morning, Ryan peeked out the window and said it was snowing. I, of course, followed with a, "whaaat?! a lot?!"
He said no and I went about my morning and got into the shower...
Afterwards, I went into the living room and noticed the snow was coming down quite quickly and there was a good coating on the cars in the parking lot.
I have to admit, I am NOT ready for snow to come. I don't think I'm even prepared for winter!
Needless to say, it stopped by about 8:30am, but my ride to work took 10 minutes longer.
Looks like Mr. Winter is really here... I am just waiting for that first big snowfall...I simply can't wait (not the sarcastic tone in my voice if I were really speaking to you!).
**as I am typing the lower part of this post...THE SUN IS OUT!!! YAY!!!
On a cuter note, I found this HERE.
I think I just may have to copy it. Or tweek it and make my own version!
I got out our Christmas decor yesterday. I didn't start putting anything up yet. I had the smallest inkling of putting a few things up, but my Mister is all about waiting until the weekend after Thanksgiving...
looks like I'll be hitting up some stores for new decor...
I also have a really cute idea for the ceiling part of our 'breakfast bar'. I just can't wait!!! I'll post pictures after I start to decorate!
November 23, 2008
Day 21, 22, 23 of 30: My Bridal Shower!
My bridal shower is here!!! Well, it's here and gone.
It was a great time though.
My sweet friends threw it for me and were so gracious in preparing everything.
I will admit, I had some anxiety at first. Just about everyone watching me open presents and it being all about me. I would like to think that I quickly overcame that.
We got so many great gifts. Much more than we had expected. It was just so nice to be with friends and family and have both sides of the family meet eachother. What a great day!
A few of us went out for a bit afterwards along with 'the guys'.
I couldn't have asked for a better bridal shower! Thank you everyone for everything!!!
For those of you who weren't present, I missed you!
labels - MY bridal shower
November 20, 2008
Day 20 of 30: The Devil's Swimming Pool
In Zimbabwe, Africa there is this magnificent waterfall called Victoria Falls.
November 19, 2008
Day 19 of 30: It's a Monogram Chick Giveaway - you should check it out!
Monogram Chick has posted her 100th post!!! Hurray!
In honor of that, she is doing a GIVE AWAY!!! Hurray Hurray!
Go here to enter and leave a comment with your favorite Monogram Chick product.
*if you're a blogger you can also leave how many posts you have too
It's so very hard to pick, but I think I love the travel mugs and any of the stamps. Aw, heck, I like ALL THINGS monogrammed so I think I'd be happy with just about anything from her site!
labels - giveaways, monogrammed stuff
November 18, 2008
Day 18 of 30: Sneak Peek and a little gift...
Here is a little bitty sneak peak at the hotel/direction card that I made to go into our wedding invitations.
I think it turned out perfectly!
Although, it did take a bit longer than I had anticipated. I went back and forth with deciding on using the map or not using the map.
I opted not to. Most of our guests are from around here and I just couldn't get it to work right or look right.
So I made an M monogram design with digital scrap paper and voila! I think I like it even better!
Of course this is only one side of the card...the other side is quite boring, all type no decor!
I also got a semi gift from my Zizi (aunt)/Godmother. She happens to keep getting to go to The View and whenever she goes they usually give something away. She got some awesome things last time, but this time...
She got a $150 gift certificate to Ebags. Particularly to THIS type of bag (I think) on Ebags. And guess who she so generously gave it to?!
You guessed right...ME!!!
I can't thank you enough for it, Zizi Nikki!
Stay tuned to see what I get!
labels - crafty, handbags, wedding stuff
November 17, 2008
Day 17 of 30: Just another manic Monday...
Aww, look at little Mason! He got a haircut on Saturday and he looks so tiny and scrawny right now! I feel kind of bad because it is getting so cold here now and he has no hair. Looks like that sweater will come in handy! His Daddy doesn't want to be caught dead walking him in it though...
Just a silly (and kind of yucky) picture of us hanging out... Can you tell I didn't shower all day on Sunday?! Shame on me... ha!
And I made my favorite Apple Pancake! Yum-O! Click HERE if you want the recipe! It is serioulsy SO good!

I don't use syrup on this kind of pancake. I just like to sprinkle a bit of powdered sugar on it. Oh it's wonderful! And Mason loves it too! :-)
labels - weekends with bella and ryan
November 16, 2008
Day 16 of 30: I've made an executive decision
I have decided that I'm going to change the rules of my nablopomo. It will involve not posting on weekends.
Unless I feel like it.
I need some time to be free.
It's not you, it's me.
Hopefully that'll mean that I'll have more to share on Mondays.
I like that idea.
So...stay tuned for tomorrow. A new day to a new week.
labels - Blogging
November 14, 2008
Day 14 of 30: My birthday is a month from today and I like dog clothes
I just realized earlier in the day that my birthday is EXCACTLY one month away! yay!
I'm the kind of person who actually looks forward to their birthday each year.
I don't dread it at all. I don't think of it as getting older because you know're going to age every single year, it's just embrace it!
And I try to rub off my happiness about birthdays to all that surround me! ha!
I'm sure many of you are anti dog clothes. To some point I agree. I don't like dressing them up all the time or putting boots or shoes on them, but I do love looking through dog clothes. They just look so darn cute!
That being said, can you imagine my cute Mason (picture above) in the adorable red sweater (picture below)?!?!
Soon enough you will be able to see a live picture of him in it!
Honestly, I've been eyeing it for more than a year now and had never just bought it. Now I did!!!
Plus, he is getting his hair cut tomorrow, so once it comes he'll look extra cute!!!
labels - birthdays, dog clothes
November 13, 2008
Day 13 of 30: Our first meeting with the Pastor
As I mentioned in my previous lame-o post, we had our first meeting with Pastor Mark last night. Going into it, I think we were both kind of like, eh do we have to do this?
Neither of us knew what we were entering into as we walked up to the glass doors.
Suprisingly, it was quite fun and created some nice conversation afterwards.
We first met with Pastor and chit chatted a bit. Then he asked us why we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, what was it about the other person that made us love them.
Then, we had to take a test!!!
Oh no, don't worry, we weren't graded or anything. It was a 115 question 'test' that asked us questions regarding religion, budgeting, children, your future spouse.
We took it seperately, but in the same room. During the entire 'test' I just kept telling myself to remember the question because I thought it would be a fun one to talk about after we left. Of course, my memory fails me quite often...
Pastor is going to compile the results and put 'em in the mail. We can't wait to get them back so we can talk some more. We did realize that we both answered the questions very similarly, go figure.
So that was it. Harmless.
Although, we do have another appointment in a few weeks...
November 12, 2008
Day 12 of 30: This is a cop out
I'll be the first to admit.
It's 10:39pm, we had our first meeting with the Pastor and I just haven't really had much time aside from that.
So this is my post. It's just a post.
No one ever said these 'post a day' things would be interesting, did they?! :-)
It was my Dad's birthday today. R and I called and sang to him this morning. I think he liked it.
That's all.
I'm being beckoned by my pillows and warm blankets.
Good night!
labels - Blogging, good night
November 11, 2008
Day 11 of 30: We are inviting Barack Obama to our wedding
Yeah, you read it.
I found this post regarding upcoming weddings that take place after our President Elect Barack Obama is sworn in for Presidency.
You send in your invitation to the White House as if you are inviting Barack and Michele to your wedding. And voila, you get a signed response back!
I think it's pretty neat and a great keepsake, especially since it's just a huge time for our country.
Not to mention, my Mister has been rooting for the President Elect for quite some time.
For all the details go to Celebrity Weddings Blog.
labels - invitations, keepsakes, momentos
November 10, 2008
Day 10 of 30: My very first bloggy award!!!
First off, I would just like to say that listing the day of the month in my title just makes me notice how quickly this month is going already. It's nuts! Does anybody remember when it was just last year?!
Okay and onto BETTER things... I received my very first blog award!!! I can't say I haven't been wishing I'd get one.
If I did, I would be lying just a little bit.
The giver of the award was my bestie Jenny. We have been planning our weddings together and it's been fun. We have come to realize now more than ever just how alike we are! You should head on over there and check out some of her ramblings... :-)
You can also check out her other nominees and their fun blogs HERE.
The Uber Amazing Blog Award is given to those blogs who:
- inspire you
- make you smile and laugh
- give amazing information
- are a great read
- have an amazing design
- and any other reason you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of the Award are:
- put the logo on your blog and/or post
- nominate a minimum of five blogs
- let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
- share the linky love and link to this post as well as the person's blog that nominated you
And now on to my nominees (drum roll please)...
Kelly's Korner - I don't know her personally, but just by reading her blog you can tell that she is the kindest sweetest person. She is also expecting her first little baby girl!!!
Fabulous K - (Another) Kelly (do you see a trend here?!) is another great decor muse for me! Her cute decor in her own place is just so darn cute! Not to mention, she makes great blog designs. If I could, I would have her redecorate our whole place! She is just all kinds of fabulousness! :-)
NieNie - I'm sure you all know Nienie. I, unfortunately, didn't start reading her blog until I heard about their accident. I wish their family all the strength and support in the world as things are slowly getting better. I just have to say that reading the reposts on her blog make me want to be happy all the time and cherish every moment even if its bad, because whats the point in worrying or being mad or what not. Inspirational is a good word that comes to mind.
Well that's all for today. I have to go comment on all the blogs above!!! The Blog World is something different that is not always for everybody, but I am happy that I've found it. It's created so many outlets and ideas for me.
Enough sappiness...
labels - award, blog of note, Blogging
November 9, 2008
Day 9 of 30: Winter is quickly approaching
First snow fall of 2008 - Friday November 7th.
Can you believe it?!
I mean, I know we live in Chicagoland and it's November, but can't you wait until at least December, Mother Nature?!
I do not lie; I was working, sitting at my desk with a window view. I was walking back from the bathroom and I noticed white flakes quickly trying to make their way to the ground, which fortunately was a little to warm for the flakes because upon touching down, they melted immediately. Thankfully.
I don't know about you, but I'm just not ready for the snow. Part of me wishes that we lived somewhere warmer, but the other part of me thinks that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the cold weather. Not to mention, all (or most) of your friends and family are here.
In my perfect world, the weather would be a nice sixty degrees, with leaves on trees matching the beautiful hues of fall weather.
I just love Fall.
I only wish it would stay around consistently for more than a month tops.
It's been flurrying ever since Friday on and off. Still nothing sticking, but it is awfully cold if you're outside for more than, oh 30 seconds. Which makes walking the dog three times a day brutal.
What is your favorite season and why? Do you like snow? Where would you move if you could pick anywhere your little heart desires?
November 8, 2008
Day 8 of 30: Aladdin
Today, my sweet Mother-in-law took myself, Ava (my niece) and her granddaughter to see Aladdin at the Lincolnshire Marriott Theater. It was so cute and I actually really enjoyed it!
We went out to lunch with the kiddies afterwards and headed back to my mil's house so the girls could play.
While us girls were talking in the other room, the little girls were playing and I snuck in to take a picture of them sitting on the chair together playing at the computer. As I was about to take the picture Ava put her little arm around S's shoulder. How cute! :-)
Stacey and Little C came over. Ava just ate it up, she just loves babies and little kids. She is going to be a great cousin some day!

And right about now, I'm blogging (and keeping good on my post-a-day oath thankyouverymuch) and my Mister is napping. Yeah, we know it's 8:24pm, but it's the weekend and, well we're not at the stage in our lives where we have to take care of a kid or go to bed early, so we can do it, right?! :-)
November 7, 2008
Day 7 of 30: President Elect Obama
For starters, can I just say I had NO IDEA what President Elect meant until last night, when I asked my Mister (I can't wait until I can just say hubby or huband). I'm no dummy, but I had a hard time figuring it out...
So anywho... I just wanted to say that I hope that you all know that no matter who you voted for, we are all Americans. As Americans, our duty is to support our president. I am also so privelaged to be here and alive while our country makes history, electing our first African American as President. What a great victory to overcome. I am so proud of this country.
And I think you should be too!
November 6, 2008
Day 6 of 30: And baby boy makes two
Here I am!
Making good on my promise of making up for yesterday.
Tonight, after work I went over to my girlfriend's house to have dinner with the girls.
And also to meet this handsome, cute little man!
Isn't he just so darn cute?! And so teeny tiny! His name is Owen and he is a little over a week old. What a cutie pie. There were some complications, but baby Owen and his wonderful Mom are okay.Awww! He was just so cuddly! I forget how tiny babies are when they are newborns.
Day 5 of 30: Extended to the next day - obviously...
I am such a bad bad blogger! Shame on me!
Honestly, I was remind myself all night last night that I had to do a blog post before we went to bed. Well as you can tell, that didn't happen and let's just say that I remembered it this morning while showering...
However, I did post TWO entries the day prior, so that's got to count for something, right?!
Maybe...just maybe you will get a double dose of blog posts from me today too! Mainly in part that we are going to go see my friend's new little baby boy, Owen. I can't wait...but also because I have a guilty conscience about not posting yesterday! On another note, our apartment is becoming a home. We inherited some more furniture and I must say, this piece of furniture is way more comfortable than our couch! I love it!
We got it from my brother and sister-in-law. They got some nice swanky leather furniture that looks oh so lovely in their home. I am so grateful for our families.
November 4, 2008
Day 4 of 30: Expressions
I am currently searching through ALL of our pictures for more pictures of our wedding party.
You see, my bridal shower invites are out (and received, for that matter) and I haven't even finished our wedding website.
Oh the shame...
I just HAD to post this picture though. I was staring at it and I know what's happening in it.
I am deep in thought trying to articulate it and you can tell Jess is just probably making fun of me, as she usually does! It's all in good fun.
I just thought, for me, this is a classic picture of conversation/banter we have... :-)
labels - expression, friends
Day 4 of 30: Have you voted yet?
I thought that little picture they had on the Google Search was so cute! I couldn't resist, sorry!
So...have you? Have you voted yet today?
If not, I highly reccomend that you do. It is such a privilege that we get to be a part of selecting the leader of our country. It's also a right that, as a woman, we have not had in the past.
As much as I am excited about the new President, I am awfully excited about the election season to be OVER!!! All the back and forth, it's driving me nuts!
Not to mention, ALL the news ALL the time. Hallelujah, it'll soon be over. :-)
So...if you haven't voted yet, you still have PLENTY of time. Go, now, get out there and vote!!!
labels - vote
November 3, 2008
Day 3 of 30: Back to the daily grind
labels - pumpkins, wedding stuff, work
November 2, 2008
Day 2 of 30: I've decided
To start wearing in my 'wedding shoes' today. I think it's about time, don't you?
Don't you just love my cute little zebra sockettes (I think I made that word up!)?!
I don't want my shoes to get sweaty on the inside before the BIG DAY, but I do want them to be broken in. I have a little problem though, they feel a little tight. I think it may be because of the socks, but my logic is that they will stretch a bit while I wear them over the next few months, right?!
On a side note, I'm waiting to go pick up my Mister from the airport. I just received a call from him saying they 'bumped' him off of his connecting flight. They said they were oversold, which me and him know all about from the hotel. So instead of going to get him at 3:30pm, it may be just a bit later... What a bummer, especially for him!
I think I like this post-a-day thing (Zizi Nikki, I'm sure you are thrilled!). And if you're lucky, you may even get two today!
November 1, 2008
Day 1 of 30: Day one, not so bad?!
Remember yesterday, when I took on the challenge of posting EVERYSINGLEDAY for the month of November?
What was I thinking?!
I think I may be able to come through this... Day one ain't so shabby because let me tell you...
Do you see this new blog layout that I have?! I ACTUALLY figured out how to make my own layout, background and all!!! Excuse me one moment while I reach around my back and pat myself! :-)
With the help of some digital scrap booking materials and handy dandy Photoshop, well let's just say I'm actually starting to understand it a bit.
What do you think?
Now I can actually add some more things to the side bar. I wasn't too sure if I was going to keep the last layout I had. I have to say, I'm quite pleased!
Now I don't know if this constitutes as a very exciting blog post, but eh it counts as one of my thirty... Hopefully I'll have some better things to post about as the week goes on?
Until tomorrow...