April 30, 2008
Countdown 9 months and 1 day
Did you read that above? There are, as of today, NINE MONTHS AND ONE DAY until our blissfull wedding day! I am SO super excited and I truly can't wait for that day to come. Honestly, I wish it was much sooner than that, but also am in no rush. I can't wait for the day when my name will change, I will be a wife, I will have a husband, and we will start the rest of our lives together.
Now, along with being excited I am also kind of stressing myself out! I hate it! You see, I am a planner...I like to plan things ahead of time and get them done with. I went to look at the 6-9 month check list and I'm starting to think of all the things ahead that we still have to do and it's kinda freakin' me out! I get stressed out easily and well, this is easily! I just have to keep telling myself, it's okay it'll be fine don't freak out, there is plenty of time left. I wish we were loaded and could hire a wedding planner and the wedding planner could just plan everything for us. All we'd have to do it sign off on what she is doing! Wouldn't that be grand?!
labels - anxiety, i'm crazy, wedding plans
April 29, 2008
Love it
I have no clue where I would put this in our house, but I LOVE it! Isn't it just SO pretty?! And green of all colors (f.y.i. my fav!).
Picture courtesty of Urban Outfitters.
I want this!
PMS (Pissy Mood Snacks)
Sassy Soups and Stews
Down Home Cookin’
Grown-Up Appetizers
Happy Endings (Desserts)
I'll betcha didn't know
Or maybe you did...but I didn't know until I read about it in one of those forwarded emails. I never actually paid much attention to what I'm about to tell you, I just thought they were some sort of 'decoration'.
Did you know...the little plastic clips/twisty ties on bags of bread/rolls/etc actually signify something?! Well they do! They signify the day the bread/rolls/etc were delivered to the store! Amazing, huh? I put a little sticky note up on our bulletin board to remind us to take it with us when we go to the store. Well, guess what...we never do, always forget actually! Here is what colors you should be looking for on the days that you go and purchase your bread product.
Monday = BLUE
Tuesday = GREEN
Thursday = RED
Friday = WHITE
Saturday = YELLOW
April 28, 2008
No Minute...
Wow, I have had a very boring day so far...I have been reading blogs basically this whole time I've been at work. You know, with a little phone call here and there. I am updating myself on THIS blog, which I find to be very inspiring, if you will. I keep coming across these crafty, decoration idea blogs and I just want to redo our whole apartment. I hate it, but I love it. I hate it because I want to redo everything and get a certain style going through our place and we just can't afford that right now. I love it because it is making me want to set up shop, make our house a home...
Anywho...back to that blog I was talking about, it's called Daisy Chain and the writer is just so, oh I don't even know the word to decribe her other than cool! I got the above picture from her blog but if you want to purchase or just browse others you can click here. They are pretty neat, but a little pricey. Maybe I can make something of my own. We really need things to put on our walls. It is seriously, like an insane assylum in our white walled apartment. If you lay on the bed/couch and just look up, you literally feel like you are in an assylum!!! :-)
We actually were talking (it was the Mister's suggestion) about getting some canvases and just having a paint day one day. I, pesonally, think that would be fun!
labels - art, decor, inspiration
Sunday equaled Relaxation

We'll see how they work out (ha! pun intended!). Whenever I buy exercise dvds, I do them a couple of times here and there and then get bored! I hope that doesn't happen, I really need to start exercising. I am sore from cleaning on Saturday though!
After that, I came home and laid on the couch watching tv all day long! I watched a lifetime movie and then just random garbage that was on the tele. I don't know why the weekends go by SO fast and the week days just drag on SO slowly! It's just not fair!
I did make us a really good dinner last night. I got one of those 'mini' chickens that is already seasoned and in a bag, you just have to put it in the oven. I made that, stove top stuffing, and some mixed veggies. So that's what is for lunch today too! Such an eventful weekend, I know...but it was well worth it and I just love those days where you really don't have to do a thing!
labels - dinner, life with Bella, relaxation
April 26, 2008
Spring Cleaning
Today was a good day, a long day, but a good day. I woke up this morning at 6:20am. Yes, that's right folks, 6:20am...on my Saturday. I wanted to say good bye to my Mister, as I won't be seeing much of him this weekend (he's recording). Then, I had to head on over to my Dad's house to help out with some Spring Cleaning! Me, my brother, my uncle, his friend, my Dad and my Grams all pitched SO much garbage. I was going to take before and after pictures, but there was really no time. Well, I lie, I did mosey around a bit through out the day, BUT I also DID clean A LOT!!! So much so, that I am SO tired right now! My body is just exhausted! I guess that goes to show you how much I actually work out, huh?! It was a good time though and I feel like we really helped my Dad out by doing all of that with him. It feels like such a sigh of relief.
Since me and my brother were both 'home alone' for the night (Morgan, my SIL is out of town), we decided to have dinner. Me and Mason went over there for some good grillin'! He made onions and asparugus on the grill, along with corn on the cob, steak and chicken on the grill. It was just so yum-o!!! Now, me and the boy (Mason, that is) are home and just loungin' around. What a nice and relaxing weekend huh? Tomorrow I plan on making a German Apple Pancake for breakfast and I got one of those 'mini' chicken in a bag-already seasoned-toss in the oven deals and I'm going to make that for dinner. Yeah, I know, I'm spoiling myself! Ha!
HAPPY SATURDAY (oh no, tomorrow is ALREADY Sunday?!)
labels - exhausted, grilling, spring cleaning, the weekend
April 24, 2008
Girls night
Well, last night we went and saw Chelsea Handler at the Genesee Theater in Waukegan. It was SO much fun! Not only the show, but hanging out with the girls too! We laughed so much last night...it felt really good. And I really needed it...I was feeling a little blue.
We had some yummy mexican food (even though I had the biggest craving for chinese food, the darn place was closed for a week!). Then we went to the theater. We didn't know, but when we got there, we were shown to our seats...which just happened to be in the very last row!!! Oh well, it was hysterical!!!
The place was packed and it is SO beautiful there!!! Gorgeous! Chelsea was just SO freakin' hilarious!!! I was hoping the skit would never end!!!
Now, I'll just have to catch up on that Grey's Anatomy episode that I missed out on last night...
labels - chelsea, comedy, fun times, girls night, mexican
April 23, 2008
I'm a lurker
Okay, so I have to admit, I'm a blog 'lurker'. I have SO many blogs that I read daily and there is only one or two that I actually leave comments on. I don't know why I do it either! I just don't want the people to think I'm stalking them, but then reading their comments, I can tell most of the people aren't their 'real' friends anyways, so I really shouldn't be worried about it, right?!
I have also realized that I go crazy waiting for posts from people! After I've checked all of my blogs for the day, I will start browsing around for others to start reading. My compulsion doesn't stop there! Once I find a blog that I actually like, I will go back and start reading from the beginning.
I only hope that others are out there reading my blog. I know I'm not THAT interesting and that I'm lacking on the posting, and the interesting posts at that. I'm going to try to start being better at it. And if you are out there and not commenting for the same reasons as me...well start commenting, I don't mind, seriously!
I promise, I'll try to start and do the same!
April 22, 2008
Crafty idea

Isn't this THE cutest little bag in the world? And guess what...this is made out of a pillow case!!! How awesome is that?! I would go shopping for a cool pillow case just to make this! For instructions on how to, click HERE. If you are a friend though...don't bother making one for yourself...I just thought of a GREAT birthday present idea! Ha!
labels - crafty
April 19, 2008
Thursday Night
labels - comedy, entertainment, life with Bella
April 18, 2008
It's F.R.I.D.A.Y.
First off, I have to say, I just LOVE this picture! Doesn't it just sum up the whole show?!
I'm just sitting here at work...daydreaming about going home to my love and having our Pizza Friday and watching The Office that we have recorded from last night. We did the same last Friday and I have to say...not too impressed with the first show after being on a hiatus because of the writers strike. I mean, it's The Office and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love each and every one of those characters for their own little quirks (although Dwight annoys me at times). I'm just hoping that tonight, they are in their regular setting with all the normal people. Oh I just love that evening television programming is all starting...but then, my ocd kicks in too and I feel overwhelmed with all the shows that are coming back on...oh boy!
Okay, okay, so I lied...I didn't do another post yesterday. So sorry :-) Today I decided to let you all in on how this crazy mind of mine works. These are just a few of my 'quirks'.
I wish my hair was still this long (and my bangs, why oh why did I cut them?!)
1. I would eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could.
2. I will clean and pick stuff up even if all I want to do is sit down and relax...I have OCD (this fact is not yet clinically proven, but I'm sure there's some truth to it!).
3. Also pertaining to above, I usually clean house every Saturday morning (along with pick up all week) and if I don't do it, I feel guilty.
4. I usually have to sleep with socks on, I don't like the feel of the sheets against my feet, it reminds me of nails on a chalkboard...ick!
5. I have to have coffee EVERY morning...if I don't, it just doesn't feel right.
6. If I don't get 8 hours of sleep every night, I freak out thinking about it before I go to bed.
7. I wish the work week was 4 days and the weekend was 3 days (we would be so much more productive and I wouldn't hate work!).
8. I love change and I would move (with my finace of course) in a heartbeat just for fun (of course, I'm sure I'd end up wanting to come back...unless it was someplace tropical).
9. I get (irrationally) scared when I'm home alone sometimes. I once checked every closet, behind every door/curtain multiple times (of course I was reading a serial killer book).
10. I love to get new things and figure out how each aspect of it works.
11. I wish I was more 'physically fit' but I HATE working out.
12. I can't wait for the day when we have our own family.
13. I have to have my nails painted always (either clear or color) or else my nails feel gross (again, reminds me of nails on a chalkboard!).
14. On nights when I should go to bed early, I'm usually not that tired. Nights when I can stay up until whenever I want, I fall asleep on the couch at like 10:30pm!
15. I still like to watch Saturday Night Live...even though it's not as funny anymore.
16. I sometimes wish I were a house pet so I didn't have to work and could just lay around and sleep all day long.
17. We bought a treadmill over a month ago and I've only used it a handfull of times.
18. I hate tanning beds. They are SO not relaxing to me, I literally sit there and count to 60 multiple times until the bed goes off.
19. I can go to Walgreens multiple times a day and come out with a few items at a time (fact...I have done this various times).
20. I have to have a purse with me.
21. I need sunglasses when it's even remotely sunny outside, otherwise I squint and get a headache.
22. Speaking of headaches, I seem to get one every day!
23. I love the ocean, but not going in and swimming. I love to either sit along the shore or just sit on the beach and stare out, it's so relaxing for me.
24. I love the sound of waves at night while you're sleeping.
25. I am a very quiet person if I don't really know you.
26. I sometimes feel like I'm a horrible conversationist, which I think makes it akward at times.
27. I am an organizer.
28. I HATE clutter.
29. I over Google.
30. I over WebMD.
31. I want to win the lottery, but we never play it.
32. I wish I made a lot of money but I don't really want to work for it.
33. Fall is my favorite season.
34. I wish I was a lot closer to my cousins and extended family.
35. I have an addiction to magazines. I buy them even if I still have some at home that are unread.
36. I am cheap.
37. Yet it seems impossible for me to save any money.
38. I would love to open an Animal Shelter (it's just too hard).
39. I LOVE DOGS! I wish we could have 10+ of them!
40. I'm a germaphobe.
I'm sure there are plenty more ism's of mine...but I'm having a brain fart right now...and the stupid phone keeps ringing (I'm at work) and making me lose track of the thoughts I have in my head. Hope ya'll have a good weekend!
I'm off to try on a wedding dress tomorrow...it's Ryan's cousin's dress (Barb...love her!). I am hoping I love it! And I also figured something else out...if I do like it and wear it, it'll be my SOMETHING BORROWED!!!
April 17, 2008
First things first
Okay, so I promise I'm going to do another post today. I had a few ideas anyways...so that will come a bit later. I HAD to post this though. I was reading the lastest edition of EVERYDAY with Rachael Ray (it's the May issue) and oh my gawsh!!! There are like 10+ pages that I've marked down already for recipes and I'm not even half way through it! I usually find so many that I like in there normally but there are just so many mouth watering recipes. I just thought I had to share...pick one up at the store....love it!!
OH and (I haven't read it yet but) I saw some really cute cakes in there and some dee-lish recipes for nachos...it made me want them immediately!!!
April 16, 2008
Roxy's Room

labels - our family, roxy
April 15, 2008
I dream of weddings
post edit: see I told you Blogger is making me mad...it happened again, my formatting isn't working now! Boo!!!
labels - dreams, the wedding
April 14, 2008
Did you notice something with the post under this one? I'll give you a hint...there are paragraphs!!!! It worked....for now at least. I'm sure that'll change by the time I post the next time. I was just SO happy I thought I'd share it with you all!!!
HAPPY MONDAY...hope all of your weeks fly by....I hope mine does...I live for the weekends...even though I don't like to do anything on the weekends but relax. I'm a bit of a homebody, I've come to realize. I love the comfort of home. Alright...going now...BYE!
labels - it's fixed
Writers Block
April 11, 2008
I think this is fate
labels - money woes, planning, the wedding
April 8, 2008
Boredom = Food
1 cup Crab Meat, Cooked (approx 1/2 lb)
2 Jalapeno Chiles, seeded and minced
1/4 Red Onion, Chopped
1 Clove Garlic, Finely Chopped
1/4 cup Tomato, Chopped, 1 small
2 tbl Cilantro, Fresh, Snipped
2 tbl Olive Oil
3/4 tsp Salt
Ground Pepper (to Taste)
2 Avocados, Peeled & Chopped
1/4 cup Lime Juice
Place the Crab meat in a medium glass mixing bowl. Add the jalapenos, Onion, garlic, tomato and cilantro. Mix well. Add the oil, salt and pepper.
Fold in the chopped avacados, being careful not to smash the salad. Mix in the lime juice. Either serve immediately, or cover and chill.
Serves 6
I would, personally, emit the jalepeno's...if you didn't know, I'm not a huge fan of spiciness.
April 7, 2008
I forgot to mention
April 6, 2008
Sunday bloody Sunday
labels - funny faces, weekends
April 3, 2008
1. No, this is not our wedding cake
2. I haven't eaten ANY cake today and it's been sitting over by my desk!!!
Aren't you just SO darn proud of me? I sure am proud of myself! I have been at this diet thing since Monday mornin' and have done great, except for last night, when I allowed myself to have 3 pieces of pizza (the square kind). I only ate the crust on 1 1/2 pieces of it and just ate the cheese on the other 1 1/2 pieces (you have to live a little!). I don't like calling it a diet though, that makes it sound like I'm eating unbelievable BOring foods. It's not like it. I mean, sure, I'm not eating pancakes and doritos, etc. But I am constantly eating, which is a good thing (at least I think so). I haven't had many cravings for all the sweets that I used to LOVE to eat. Believe me, I would love to be chowing down on chocolate right now, but that's just not healthy to eat all the sweets that I'm used to eating. We had a little going away party for one of the guys at work (it's really not as big of a deal as it was made...he's going to the department down the hall). There were subs, pasta salad, chips and homemade cake. While I did contribute money to it...I DIDN'T EAT ANY OF IT!!! And it's sitting right by my desk! I wasn't even tempted really!!! I just thought I'd gloat a bit! Thanks for listening.
p.s. tonight is my first night taking the dog outside since the incident...wish me luck :-)
labels - eating right, life with Bella, sweets
April 2, 2008
Not that great of a morning
labels - cars, life with Bella, vandalism
April 1, 2008
April Fools